Dr. Heidi Posavac - ADHD Coaching
MLB Associates now offers ADHD Coaching through our partnership with Dr. Heidi Posavac, Ph.D., HSP. Dr. Posavac is an ADHD certified clinical services provider and licensed psychologist in Tennessee and New York. She has worked with students from pre-school to post-college. She is also a mother of three children, one with learning differences.
Dr. Posavac provides ADHD coaching for students that integrates therapeutic techniques to help them both feel better and get more done. Students with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning skills such as planning, organizing, and time management. While medication for many students with ADHD is essential, it does not help them develop the executive functioning skills needed to function in school. This is where an ADHD coach can help.
Dr. Posavac provides her services for:
-High school students to increase self-management skills so that they are less reliant on others to complete tasks
-College students to provide a bridge between the structure of high school and the freedom of college
For more information or to schedule a free phone consultation please visit the website listed below or contact Dr. Posavac via email.
Email: heidi@myadhdcoachdrheidi.com
Website: https://www.myadhdcoachdrheidi.com/